Monday, August 26, 2013

the prayer

Dear God,
We thank you for all the blessings given to us
We also ask for your forgiveness and patience
Lord, I pray for the country, The Philippines
And for the Filipinos all over  the world

Lord Jesus we ask for your guidance and support
Especially now that most of us are distraught
Caused by the recent typhoons and sea accidents
For us Filipinos these are dreadful events

 The events affected many Filipinos
Most lost their belongings while some lost their love ones
I pray that they get the courage to stand again
Lord Jesus, lead and guide them to be strong within

Help the victims of storm Maring and Habagat
To rebuild their shelter and go on with their lives
To the victims of the ship Thomas Aquianas
Help them find their love ones and free them from burdens

To the unsung heroes of the past tragedies
To the rescuers, the police, and the divers
To the ordinary citizens and to all

May the Lord God continue to bless you all

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