Friday, June 14, 2013

Mr. Househusband :)

    My father's name is Ricardo B. Ignacio, he is 49 yrs old. he is tall, a handsome father for me. he loves playing basketball, eating and watching action movies and different kinds of sports. He has a potential in cooking.

    When he had a wok in Manila, he will come home once or twice a week to save his allowance. Until the day  come, my mother said to him that he needs to come home everyday to help me in my studies. Last January he resigned on his work because his boss was giving too much pressure to him.

    He took the responsibility of being a househusband. He is always in charge in our snacks, to clean the house and others. Sometimes I help him when I'm free with my tasks. I love my dad more than anything, I don't want him to look sad. I want him to be happy always. I will do everything for him and for my family. They are one of my priorities in life.

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