Monday, February 17, 2014

Apology Letter

Dear Mommy,
                Hi! First, I want to say thank you for everything. I know being a mother is not that easy. You do many sacrifices for us. Thank you so much. I am glad that you are my mother. You are the best.

                Sorry for everything that I have done. Sorry for being a hardheaded daughter.  I know that you always do that for my future. You always ratting and ratting whenever I am not doing anything. Moreover, I am thankful for that because my mind is waking up that I need to help you etc. Sorry, for not obeying your rules and other that you command at me. I know I do many sins to you. I hope you forgive me.

                Sorry and thank you, for everything I love you mom. Take care yourself. May the good Lord bless you always.

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