Saturday, October 26, 2013

Hopeless Love

Yes I've been in love many times. I feel happiness at the same time sadness because when I first felt this kind of feeling, it hurts me so bad. I knew it that it was only one sided love, when he knew that I have feelings for him he starts to ignore me that I was like nobody for him. I felt sad; I cried hard every night I’m asking myself what I did to feel that way. I only do is falling in love to him. I’m only watching him from afar. But I didn't give up, I will love him always. In the second time around that I felt this kind of feeling I felt happiness because our feeling is mutual. I promised to myself that he will be the last one but fate was not with us. I need to get away from him though I love him so much. I need to suffer our relationship to save him in this kind of situation. I’m being sly again.
Love is blind, because you will love him even though it hurts so much. For him you will sacrifice everything as a sign of love of you for him. No matter what happen you will always there for him even he is always driving away. Sometimes you didn't see the one, who most cares all the time, because your attention is to him. You’re being stupid because of him.

You will love him because in the future you will need someone/partner in life, who is always right beside you, helping you and loving you. I’m looking for a man who is a loving, caring, have a respect to everyone, family-oriented and a God-fearing man. I’m not in the appearance, I’m looking to the attitude of each man.

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